I was also commissioned to create sketches of SOVA and the other key war machines within the book.
The Cover process... I initially sketched out a rough layout of the cover, then tried a few options with word prompts in various AI engines with not much luck, as below only results similar to a very off brand blue robot was generated, I quickly realised the AI engines hadn't been able to understand/interpret the sketch, and to achieve the posse and look for the cover I'd need to refine and possibly simplify the sketch... 
Below are a few of the derivatives of SOVA from the various sketches and word prompts.
After refining the sketch, simplifying it down and refining the text prompts further I achieved a result close to what I needed, and although there had been parts missing, or not quite right it made a great base to work from.
From there it was onto creating the final artwork, I imported the AI image into Photoshop, modified & illustrated the remaining artwork to match the drama and detail of SOVA...
 The composition for this was also important as it reinforces a sense of hierarchy between Dimitri (the boy) & machine, with Dimitri being in the foreground standing facing SOVA and SOVA by default in appearance in a kneeling submissive pose, almost as if waiting for a command… I’ve wanted to create a sense of location & atmosphere around them, Dimitri’s tree, his fortress & sanctuary is in the background, the night sky carrying a sense of forbidding, trouble, & the torch lights suggest the approaching unknown… basically an image that captures the essence of the first chapter & story to come. The colour palette I’ve based around the blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag which works well as a night scene without looking cliché or forced.
Below is the final artwork for the ebook

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